Well i like to first off agree with women on many parts. Like Not being raped. i don't think anyone should be raped.. like no one should be shot for just walking down the street. But lets say .... A young lady and young man walk down a street say...Mmmmmm .. in Harlem. One looked like this....

What do you think will happen?
Will the guy in the robe get shot?
will the lady get raped?
If so who fault is it?
Yes it be the attackers.. but can't we honestly say, maybe the clothes one wears might have a little bit the caused?
Now here's where it gets fun. You see most of you out there are saying. Well the guy in the robe should have known better to wear that. It was his dumbness.. and I agree.
But on the same coin, you will scream well a woman should be able to wear what ever she wants with out fear of being raped... Any one else see how dumb that sounds?
Women out there are screaming I am equal, I am equal.. ok butter cup. Then man up. In the military lets see you do those pull up , don't hang there like a piece of meat. How about you apply for those jobs in the coal mines or those dangerous jobs that men take.. Oh how about you just work as hard and long as men. Give up that family time. and if your in the military and you get knocked up. how about you get a abortion and serve your nation and not your womb.
You people have NO idea how sick I am of woman and their double standards. Seriously. Date a woman and don't pay for her dinner or her share, and your cheap. You go out on a date, the woman looks like the one above, and She gets shocked when as a man you think of sex. WTH. Men are the most basic creatures on the damn planet. We have a very basic mindset. if we can't sleep on it, eat it, screw it, we watch it for entertainment. Seriously. thats man in a nut shell.
We work hard bc we understand some one has to. Women in the above view are funny. they talk about their sex lives . and never realize as a guy we like to shop also. and we shop for things we like , we look for quality. for example. Guy walks on a car lot, there sit two car. looking almost the same. One has 200 thousand miles the other has 400. which one do you think he will buy? yea duh, the one with low miles. Why? bc it will last longer. Statics have proven that woman with multi sex partners in their life the number of years that they stay with a man actually get lower.
And when a woman hits mid life and has what many call the 50 cock stare ( this is when a woman slept, worked her way up the ladder and feels she should be higher and get more, she gets a look like some one just slipped a horse penis in her anal cavity) She is upset when a man really don't want to deal with her or her high drama. Or worst, her husband leaves her for some one younger. It's not only bc the woman is younger. It's bc the younger one might actually take care of themselves or enjoys sex.
To offen women get married and then they get comfy. They put on a few pounds... They have sex like jesus second coming. They feel entitled to anything the man works for. And are shocked when a man might wanna take some thing else for a spin. Now i will say , many men put on a few pounds. That is true. But who's busting their ass working the bullshit job? Yes, house work is a pain. i have a 2800 sq ft home. takes me a good hour daily to clean it. So women at home.. Please your job is not that hard. Nor dangerous.
But you have the children, now you listen to these women they choose what goes into their body. And thats true. But ever notice that they have complete control and they are all about their sexual gratification. But if they get knocked up. well at that point its the guys fault. double standards much? And then this liberated woman will demand that the man give her money to pay for the child she choose to have, where the man has zero say in any of it. Picture for a second if man force women to pay anything to them , the outrage that would follow.
We could talk about the 30% of the woman in America who is abused. But then we could talk about the 30% of woman who think it's ok to hit a man and stand there in complete shock if a man protects himself. Seriously think about it.
And over all, this whole feminist movement is doing nothing but making it so men, the good men don't want to get married and the woman are wondering why.. Clue for ya girls. A guy don't want to buy a taxi that had every tom and dick and harry in it with high miles and more problems then it's worth.
a basic guy just wants a good woman who tries to look nice, who can cook, who can understand that maybe after 8 hours of busting his ass he tired and just wants to relax a bit. Wants a woman who will suck sure, but not suck out his life or every penny he makes.