Monday, October 1, 2012

Something in the air.........

I haven't posted in a while for numerous reasons. But with the debate around the corner. I thought maybe I'll post one before I go on a vent feast after the debate. Which I see me doing in a very big way. I mean how can I not? You'll have Mitt who at one times agreed with every single thing Obama has said or done.

But It's the first day of October and still the soft glow of the flames of this nation flicker in the sky line of what was once called freedom. Let's do a nice little recap of the past few days. And maybe you can see what I mean.  lets start with some thing we all know and have done.. vaccines. yes, we had our shots... I would hope. But Then I am old. I remember hunter and gun safety courses in high school. Oddly no one was shot...  So since the 70's when I got my shots. the number of shots have increased like 300% for children, what is really amazing the chance of your child or your child's child getting autism has also increased about the same amount.  Just read a medical review on how they gave the same vaccines to baby monkeys and guess what.. No they didn't break in to some wizard of oz flying monkey musical..( which would be beyond creepy.. fucking monkeys) No the baby monkeys developed signs of autism.. but you keep telling your self those shots are ok and safe... But who cares right?  yea.. thought so sheep...

How about your privacy.  yes, if you are reading this, you really have none. I understand that.. for those don't understand that.let me explain. You see you are on a computer or some form of media hooked into a network which all these machines talk to one another. now you are thinking.. I have a firewall.. we'll herpy derpy for you. But sad fact is.. all it takes if for a person to runa  very basic program that keeps track of all who ping it. and you have your Ip address..That's your computer house address.. But who cares about that. Lets look at big brother. you know the guy who suppose to be protecting you rights.. ( STOP LAUGHING THAT ACTUALLY IN THEIR JOB DESCRIPTION) The government has been recording what you say on the cell photo and recording everything you have said , txt, or photo sent..( And yes, they agree also, you need to keep your clothes on).. But with the passing and enforcment of stuff like the patriot act, ndaa . and little programs like carnivore, magic lantern, black angle. everything you say , buy on credit card, watch on tv, book you read, everything is watched. and now along with google, face book sold out to big brother also. If you don't have TOR running duckgo it get it, and get p2p also. Because  things are just getting nuts.

I mean, you have the U.N. getting ready to do a world tax. which mean the rich people of the world will pay a tax to help the poor folks in the world.. NEWS FLASH.. if you like in American slums you are richer then 2/3's of the world..  And if they can enforce that, they can and will enforce everything else the U.N. wants to do. so kiss your guns good bye, property rights good by. freedom of speech( not you ever used it or really had it) good bye.  but wait it gets better....

Over in Greece once more they are on strike. that be them on strike 5 times in the past four years...  they want another world bail out, which America has been doing.. Have you wondered where this money comes from for all this yet?

And I can get on the whole free phones from the state.. talk about buying votes... But looking at our choices you really don't have one, unless you have a spine and vote third party. which with the polling I have seen by news that weren't bought out  is saying the third party is actually doing better the one of the two main parties.. i guess the GOP shouldn't have cheated at the GOP convention... well they can go pound sand.. I mean Mitt i'm sure is a wonderful rich guy. but seriously in what way has he ever related to the millions of American who are now out of work, now with out homes, who are over seas dying in a bullshit war who is only helping Israel.. Oh yea .. I named the jew.. and I am pissed.

You have the right wing media going nuts over Obama giving Egypt 1 billion time loan. But no one any where says shit that in the very same month he gave Israel 70 million dollars out the bat gift, or the almost 4 billion dollars it gets every single year since 1947.  Thats not even counting the so called aid, or military backing we sent there. So doing a cost comaprison.. 1 billion loan .. is like taking aleak in the ocean and then screaming it polluted when you look how much Israel gets.. And these wars in the middle east.. who is it helping? think about it.. 11 years ago.. how many Al-queda were there? sure the sadi's hit the twin towers but no cares about that fact.. How many so called terrorist was there? I know it wasn't the number of people who have died over there.. and it should have never cost America 3.7 trillon dollars.. Seriously has anyone thought of this? 
 And if you call me anti semitic. go pound sand and have a BLt.. But i don't care. this bullshit o9f catering to this group of people ahve gotten to the insane level. you have the Israel leader going to the UN with a picture saying we have to attack Iran.. I been hearing the exact same sound and dance since the 1979.. You know what, i can be honest here.. the whole middle east should have nukes dropped on it.. And I wanna see who God is true. Bc for as long as i can remember Israel has been in this conflict or that.. but Iran is just sitting there going WTF? true story.. go look it up. and for God's sake turn off your TV

I think you should be allowed to shoot reporters, lobbyist. and any elected person who goes against thier oath.. I mean that straight out.. Reporter lies in the paper.. walk to his house wipe out the whole family.. Congress votes on a very clear against the founding documents bill.. same thing . I mean the whole family.. wife, kids, pets, the illegal gardener, the bushes.. everything. And I will promise you.. shit will change for the better in one year.  But since there are laws... we can't do that.. so we will continue to get screwed... land of the free.. and all that...

Speaking of Illegals.. can some one explain tome how illegals can go into a government building and get ID?  with out being arrested.. I mena CA is allowing Illegals to get drivers licenses.. why not.. it not like that the last time the gave illegals anything it didn't bite us in the ass. Oh yea it did.. it was called the housing market crash... Good work CA... where the hell is that earth quake?  And you have Obama going to mexico.. and brace yourself... and no drinking anything.. and no screaming you'll scare the kids... The Obama lead USDA have gone to mexico to encourage food stamps in Mexico. Like those free loaders in Puerto Rico  who have been sucking off the teat of the US tax payers for what seems like forever.. but don't want to be a state.. but has a say in our elections.. Wait what?

And if you thought your Photo ID was bad bc of your dumb smile. good news in NJ you can't smile on your Id.. why you ask? I'm glad you did.. because the facial recognition miss reads your face imprint.. isn't that nice...   Seriously.. hell in Maryland the gov. had to buy camera to watch the cameras... seriously , you know its bad when you have to watch camera watching camera who are watching cameras who are watching us.... say that 5 times real fast...

And you really don't even want to look at Europe.. it's in crisis mode at this moment. everything is so set to fail. i wonder why it hasn't yet.... But man is a truly primitive animal.. with the growing Militia movements, the prepper movements, families drawing closer together.. they can smell something in the air.. just don't know what yet.. We can only hope the American animal still remembers why we broke off from England only 300 years ago... which wasn't really that long ago.

1 comment:

  1. They say when it comes to technology we live in exponential times. Apparently this also applies to how fast our country can spin out of control and crumble to the ground.
