Wednesday, November 14, 2012

He who controls the spice controls the World.. Oh look It's Kosher

I was going to wait to do this blog.. But watching how the world is clearly losing it's mind I thought I better do it now.. bc you never know... at this rate the only think really missing is Aliens.. and I'm crazy about anal probe.. Seriously.. ever wonder why the first thing aliens do is stick something up your ass... How the hell did a race of being design a space ship manage to travel across light year.. with the plan.. of anal toy sex.. weird...

No, I was going to make this a prepper post today.. don't worry my train of thought will once again derail and slide into a station wagon of girl scouts. I was think About how prepped i am in case of anything bad happening.. like I don't know the middle east goes full war( we will address that later) And realise something. I have beans.. so many beans.. i have more bean s the fucking Mexico.. ok maybe not that many.. thats alot of beaners down there.. but I got beans... And I got veggies, and peanut butter, flour, yeast( IF you plan on making your own bread you need this..) tuna, Coffee, and tea.. And sugar.. But looking at my stuff. thinking I should be ok.. I got real pale when I realize i was missing something.. and i went to a bunch of preppers site and they don't bring it up.. seriously.. I got chicken, I got rabbits( well really a rabbit.. but I keep hoping it's a Asexual rabbit.. so far nothing) And I was hoping to do some tanning, I got a library of books.  Enough water to fill a olympic size pool. And I realize what is missing... Salt.
yes folks salt. see you need salt.. body loves it.. craves it needs it to live.. But that's not all.. if you have enough you can cure meat, can veggies. And if you act right now we'll include the you can use salt to bait animals... (shhhh) and you can use it to clean wounds( OUCHIE) and use it to brush teeth... And not only that.. You can sprinkle it on your food to make it taste better..  I have 1 pound. So you can picture the fear that came to mind.... So if you prep, and you should, bc if not.. I will be laughing at you if anything happens.. chances are good I'll be laughing any how.. but thats bc I can't get my meds...

I was going to go into with the high cost of orange juice how to make a nice vitamin C tea out of pine needle thats tasty.. ( hint a few needle and a sppon of honey.. and a small maple tree branch back..)

But why prep. i mean Obama in office things are Tony The Tiger Greeeeaaaat. I mean Sure we now have all 50 states yelling for secession. who care... Unemployment is way up. the DHS has order rail cars with seat and shackle in them.. Nothing to worry about... over look the drone in the sky folks.. he there to protect you... Sure you have a few stane making pot legal:) which for a prepper a dream come true.. Not to smoke..... ( freaking pot heads) but to make cloth, paper, if you have ALOT fuel... I hear Rhode Island and Maine might make it legal yet.. which would be SWEET . but you have Russia talk about Iran. You have the yuan( china money) worth like 7 dollars to our one dollar... I guess all that made in china finally paid off...

But the real reason to prep other then this nation really is broke,, don't kid yourself.. is... The middle east.. all that sand... and oil.. i mean look over the head lines.. you have North korea shipping missile parts to syria. (bet those part first came from china.. bastards... ) Then you have Iran showing off it's new missile  system... But the real meat of tonite.. Israel basicly said FU and attacked a nation.. Which started the anti Semitism up nicely on the Internet.  So Israel attacked Hamas leader and killed him.. in the Gaza strip.  Now this little tid bit will work like this.. Egypt will get in and tell Israel to knock it off.. Israel will tell Egypt to go pound sand.. Which after riding camels all day has already have plenty of sand in their ass, which will make them very unhappy to have some body to tell them to shove more up there.. This might bring a conflict with egypt.. Israel is already dealing with some very pissed Palestine folks from all the land Israel basicly stole. Now we have Palestine and Egypt pissed. But wait bc Israel has been attacking Syria. who is in a civil war, and both side are looking at Israel and saying WTF.  Israel seeing it's urine flow is hitting everyones special K cornflake will call up America in Skunk dying on the road heart beat ( out here in the stick.. you can't drive 20 feet with out smelling some skunk stinking to high heaven and choice parts of hell)
So America having it's own licking paint on the wall issues.. Like I don't know Placing Jane Harman being considered as new head of CIA ( NEWS FLASH THIS IS THE BITCH THAT SOLD STATE SECRETS TO ISRAEL.... Shhhhhhhh) Wired place a clip out on the 7 new techie ways the POTUS can  hunt you and kill you ( happy Thanksgiving him the power to make you a turkey.. dumb ass)  the white has to address all these states petitions ( which basicly says screw you guys I quit)  and the fact in a few short weak.. the printing machine which create our money will run out of ink...( what company makes that ink? Bc their stock must be BOOMING)

So Obama gets a call from Israel..israel says  Yo, you be a good goy send your poor here to die, Oy it's like another holocaust.. Obama don't know any better sends troops.. Now America is happy.. Israel is being protected .. what this???? OH NOES Mr. Bill. It's Russia and China... coming in.. but why? Well i will bet a sea horse to a grain of sand that some where in all this chaos some one  TP'd Iran and they are PISSED. but the news will only show them acting out not who the dirt punk that did the Tp.  And all this can grow out of hand as fast as I typed it.. and we being the connon fodder can only go WTF.. and prepare.. you know prep.... So buy extra when you can.. if you can...
and don't forget the salt.... Now where is my TP at.....

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