i know the title is kinda mis leading.. sorry no porn here.. well If you consider the US population being screwed by the government porn, then your in luck, if you think it's a link or sub route to the German goo girls behind the scenes .. not so lucky( don't ask how I even know about said sites...:)
No this Blog is for the big three G's in America, and if you didn't know it's God, guns and Gold. Actually I think GOD in American is Gold, Oil , Dollars.., No It's the never ending assault on these three.
Let us start with Gun, but waste alot of time, bc all you have to do it turn on the TV or Talk radio and you can here both sides screaming about the whole gun control angle. Hell VP Biden was out there talking executive orders to do something about gun violence. Not I don't care if you have a gun or not. hell i will tell you think, you can come and take my guns, and you know what, with in a few days, i will have more powerful guns.. they are that easy to get illegally, Hell you can get a illegal gun faster and cheaper then a legal gun... gotta love those crack heads. And lets take a peek at what the uproar was a bout.. A guy walks into a school and kills 20 kids.. that's the media summary and those in office.. Now lets try that again with the whole story.. A crazy guy off his meds, steals guns(illegal) and walks into a gun free zone(illegal)school and kills( at this point he just don't give a shit any more) 20 kids. let it be known for the record they be white kids.. Why point that out? well, bc in Chicago, where Obama was senator, a total of over 400 black kids killed each other. Not a blip on the news radar,, the black man still can't get no media play.
Now for Chicago defence.. No one cares, most of those killed were drug related, thus saving tax payer money by NOT going to jail. But the point I was making was this.. They weren't his gun, he stole them. and the bitch of it all..... The guns that folks are trying ban.. weren't even used, the damn rifle was in the trunk and didn't shoot no one. But that rifle in the trunk safe and sound when it was found was ALOT scarier then the two pistols he used,, notice how they are not releasing the school video tapes.. Didn't know there was video of the killing? welcome to American news.. the government only shows the sheep what they want to show.
Now off to the Holy land.. well not really but we will hit up God. Now I understand alot of folks are not Christian faith. (takes a long look in the mirror) But lets think about this and review, you see I love kid shows. mainly the old one. And not only the old Tom and Jerry which have been heavily edited.. and yes they were, but shows like Ester the long ear donkey, the little drummer boy. Where were those at Christmas, heck, it's getting to the point now where the mere saying of Merry Christmas will throw some retard into seizures. ( yes, i said retard) Now looking forward to Easter and movies I watch as kid . So it kinda looking forward and back. I remember The Greatest Story Ever Told, Ben Hur. And as a kid of 10 to 15 these were not to bad, lots or fighting, horse chases, cool armour, and the killing scene. But since this might offend some one.. I don't know like the jews who killed Christ, We can't see them any more.. hell you can't even see the life of Brain , and enjoy the bad ending of looking on the bright side of life. The non stop attack of God in this nation is just flat out sad. For a nation which has God on it's money, it seems real hard press to take God out of everything else.
Speaking of Money or lack there of. we come up to Gold. Now i hear there are rumours spreading like a plains fire in August that America will try another Executive Order 6102, This shit will not fly. Seriously. For many reasons, One folks who been buying up gold understand that the American dollar has ZERO value to it, and when the dollar house of cards come down they wanna have something they think will have value. Me, I'm more on the side of Food, but I never ate gold, it might be very filling. But I been following the Gold market for the past 14 years, and I have to tell ya folks, America has no gold, we spent it on all the war efforts we been doing since 1933, and of course we gave a few tons to Isreal, just bc and China bc well they own the USA now. China hold like 92% of all mineral mines here in the states. think about that. they also are one of the few nation that actually has some of their money back by gold. crazy rice eaters right?
And the media is keeping a few thing quiet on this front also, for example, did ya here about the Russia ship in American ports which sank(cough) that had a few tons of gold bullion on it,, Only to be lost at sea for ever? Seriously, i can't make that shit up. Folks should really start to think.. what makes the dollar worth so much? It not the paper is not even that rare, There is a place in Spring grove PA which sometimes has the honor of making bill paper.
Tell ya what, I am going to help ya become insanley wealthy. and here is how ya doing it.. you get one of these new 3D printers, scan a 20 dollar bill. it will print out plates, go get your self some thick rice paper, and some blue and red poker chips. use the rice paper and use those plate you just made and print up a few 20's, throw those 20's into a dryer with the blue and red chips. and it 30 minutes you will have 20 dollar bills which is worth actually more then the current 20 dollar bills. they will feel the same, look the same and have the exact same worth. Nothing. ( please note if you do all that and go to jail. you are a retard)
But did you know America houses alot of the world gold? Oh we do.. and here is the problem. you see, America has like a drinking problem. It's spending to much. It's actually thinking about raising the debt ceiling again to maybe 18 trillion this time, bc you know, back with Bush our debt was like 700 billion and that was to high, but you get the affirmative action POTUS and well hell, he can do no wrong. So we spend and spend like a alcoholic drinks. But we are trying to be sneeky about it. So we dip into mom and dads wallet. what do I mean? well reports from numberous news sources have been saying that some of the Gold America has and been giving away is lead lined.. meaning.. it's not pure gold. in fact so many bad bars of gold been shipped out, that Germany wanted to take a peek at their gold, and well America not real quick in letting them see it.. Think of it like this, You dropped your tax refune check into the bank. And you go to withdraw it a week later , your going on a trip or found that hooker you always wanted doesn't matter.. you get to the bank and they say yes we have your money. and sorry no sir, at this time we can't give you any.. A first you like no biggie,, little pissed but you'll live you have some cash on hand, you come back a month later and the bank says, yes we have it, and no sir you can't have any. i woudl think at this time, you would want totalk to some one higher up. but the little fish bowl girl looks at your smiles, and tells you sorry sir you have to deal with it.. IT"S GERMANY.. you think those guys will deal with it.
let me give you a quick review of the German folks, in WWI their nation was broke, bankrupt and had record low moral.. and with no nut bag, they went from a Europe third world nation to a world super power who was very pissed off in like 7 years. true story. And here's the kicker. the still make their own shit there.. so i am pretty sure Germany could take back their money by force if they have to. and before you get on the American John Wayne horse and say. "well if they try we will kick their ass like last time" here's some fun facts for ya.. one. We have been at war with a third world nation for a 11 year and we are getting our asses handed to us, two, we had Russia helping us out with Germany back in the day.. And well Putin is NO ones bitch.. i can seeing that man riding Michelle Obama down the main drag and making Big B serve his ass heated vodka.
America, i love you, i really do. but kids this nation is very very sick. Those is power are blinded by their own power lust and greed. They are selling us into a world of slavery. And like slaves they making sure we can't rise up against the king, they attack the faith so we can't turn to our faith, and they take away our fund so we might not be able to feed ourselves.. don't even get me started on GMOs. People, Wake up, stand up. Stop the walking into slaughter. You nation is dying... It needs you... But you know what? Fuck it right. bc when shit breaks and it will, it will be those who do nothing who will pay the heaviest price..
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