Friday, March 22, 2013

Nigger and Jews.. Bad news

Yes I used the scary N-word. and why not. You listen to DMX, ICE T, Jay-z or almost any black entertainer and you hear the word used.  I haven't posted in a while due to the fact I was busy watching the whole world go to shit. But back to niggers. I use a very old dictionary. Which could be the reason I spell some of my words in old English like wholy. But the meaning of nigger in my book is one of two meaning one, a person from Nigeria, Two a person of ignorance.  But i will slide this here, dealing with today's blacks.. I can understand the other meanings for the word nigger. Seriously, lets think of this for a second. in the elections you had over 93% of black voting for Obama. Why? well they all will tell you they voted for a black man, to place a black man in power. Folks that is a person full of ignorance thus a nigger. Now some folks will say.. but but but most blacks are democratic. ok fair enough,,, can some one else explain how no other person who ran for office got that kind of voting block? think about it.  now if you are black. That does not make you a nigger off the bat. no that be racist. and to be honest there are ALOT of good black out there. And a few sexy ones also. the silver back we call first lady is not a sexy black women. just wanna throw that out there. A black person knows the words of honor and pride.  A black person does not have their pants down around their knees walking around grabbing their crotch like they lost something. And before you think that they are holding a Big Black cock. thats a myth. I mean come on I am carrying almost 10inch and I have yet grab my crotch and go "Muh dick" i also don't try to screw anything walking upright with breast. the number of rape crimes committed by black is  insane compared to the number of rape crime commit by whites. Seriously, can you please find me a news clip where a white guy raped a black chick. but you open the paper any where where blacks are and all you read about is murder, and rape and drug use. oddly this goes hand in hand with the urban music which is being dumped onto society. For a good example. But not the only one I can list . We can talk about a black kids shot a baby in the face bc there were mugging someone and they didn't have any money.  oh how at any given day you have blacks killing one another. Now if you notice something here in the mix of all the crime stats. it is the blacks that move away from other blacks who oddly become slowly human. Seriously can anyone name a successful black person who stayed in the hood....? Hell, even Rev. Wright moved out of a black neighbour hood when he could.. why is that.. bc no one wants to live near niggers.  I got a black neighbour down the street from me, and I swear he ask more human and nicer then anyone else in town. Now you go to Newark, N.J. Or Phlly, PA. and those niggers will eat each other once the welfare checks stop rolling in, which reminds me. there was a 4 page blog news clip called "white in philly" and that little number explained everything so nicely. it wasn't bashing on black at all. Not like this rant here. but it was dead beat honest... and the first thing the black mayor says.. we need to look into this white racist hate clip. WTF.  Since I'm not a white guy, but white mans standards and not black by the black. i can see things from the side lines of all the racial tensions. and this is what I see. Niggers, not blacks, want to be white and want to be notice. For example. who would rent rims or worst buy rims that are worth 8 grand and place them on a 500 dollar car. Who talks way way to loud on a cell phone. in complete broken english. so everyone in a two block area will look at them. Why drive slow and have your music up so loud you can't enjoy it. I was in Harrisburg, And for fun I was blasting Billie Holiday's "Strange fruit" And some black guy told to turn off that honky noise. I just laughed.  And folks that lady in her younger years I would be on like wallpaper if I had a chance. But that is todays black culture. They are nothing more then pets on the social benefits chain. Thus you get little slangs like yard ape, urban gorilla, porch monkey. And you can ask any one,, what part of a city do you avoid at night.. and why.. and that area they speak of.. is niggerville.

Now for Jews. i swear to christ and all things wholy. I am truly thinking Hitler had the right idea, if the holohoax actually happen like they said it did.  What has my tail in a twist..
During WW2 2.9 million Jews lived in German occupied Europe. After 6 million were killed 4 million collected reparations for surviving concentration camps. This is the same jewish math destroying the world's economies?

For the past 55 years we have been pestered by the Jews regarding the alleged loss of Jews due to gassing by the Germans during World War II. The alleged number of lost Jews has varied from 48 million by rabbi Dr. Miklos Nyszli in his book "Behind Humanity" to 5,370,000 by Lucy Dawidowicz. This in spite of the fact that more than 4,344,371 Jews survived the concentration camps. This last number was given to us by the Jews themselves in their publication, "The Canadian Jewish News", of 1. January 1981. The number, 4,344,371, represent 99,1% of the Jews that by the end of 1980 had claimed indemnity from the German state for their stay in any of the concentration camps during World War II. Using arithmetic we come to a total number of 4,388,825 Jews who survived the war. But should we believe this is the number?

Let us look into the number of Jews living in the world before World War II. Let me give you some details regarding the Jewish population in Europe prior to WWII: - the world's Jewish population faced a serious demographic crisis before WWII. This was true even for Jews living in Eastern Europe. - during the 1930's roughly 1,000,000 Jews left the historical places in central and eastern Europe for North and South America, Palestine, western Europe and several other minor recipient countries. - at the beginning of WWII there were less than 16 million Jews in the world. They were found in the following areas: - United States of America: .......................................... 5,0 million (4,8) - USSR (including Baltic states) .................................... 5,3 million (3,2) - Palestine .................................................................. 0,4 million (0,4) - European countries occupied by Germany during WWII: 2,9 million (6,1) - rest of the world: ....................................................... 2,4 million (2,2) Total ....................................................................... 16,9 million (16,6) - at the outbreak of the war the largest part of the Jews were moved to Siberia. Less then 15% of the Jews living in the Soviet Union fell into German hands. - one million Jews died while fighting in the Red Army or in Siberia.

After WWII there were 14,7 million Jews in the world. They were spread as follows: - United State of America ............................................... 5,2 million (5,0) - USSR (including Baltic states) ...................................... 4,3 million (2,0) - Palestine .................................................................... 0,6 million (0,6) - European countries occupied by Germany during WWII: 2,4 million (1,1) - rest of the world: ....................................................... 2,2 million (2,3 Total ........................................................................ 14,7 million (11,0) These numbers come from the book "The Dissolution of the Eastern European Jewry" by Walter N. Sanning, 2nd Edition Torrance/California 1985 We must trust Sanning in his specification of the number of Jews. His book has been praised by Jews around the world.

he World Zionists give higher numbers for Jews before WWII and in 1945 than Sanning, but since the Zionists are a propaganda organisation I do not think it is wise to believe their numbers. Zionist numbers are in brackets above. Let us look further into the number of Jews in Palestine just after WWII. In 1948 Jerusalem had a population of 100,000 Jews, and in Palestine as such more than 850,000 Jews. This number was given by the UN in connection with the establishment of the state of Israel. Were did all these Jews come from? Europe!!!! Looking closely at the rise in the numbers of Jews living in Palestine between 1939 and 1945 we see that this number has risen the same amount the population of Jews in European countries occupied by Germany has fallen. We also know that Jews emigrated from Hungary and Romania to Palestine during WWII. They emigrated without the concurrance of Germany through Turkey on ships to Palestine. This was stopped as Germany did not want to ruin her relationship with the Arab states. Based on these numbers not many Jews died during WWII

We might agree on a few thousands, with an upward limit of 150.000 Jews. Of these we know that some 74.000 inmates died at Auschwitz. This number is based on the death books discovered in Moscow after perestroika. Not all these dead inmates were Jews. Since none of the death books of the other camps have been discovered we are not in a position to give any realistic numbers for those camps. Treblinka was a camp used early on during the war for producing sand and gravel for roads during the early campaign against Russia - and since Germany at that time had full dominion over her own air space we must assume that they could get medicines to those inmates at Treblinka who became sick. Further, as Treblinka is not located in an area of damp with a high water table it is less likely that the amount of typhus, cholera and other deseases could spread among the inmates as they did at Auschwitz. To dig out sand and gravel one does not need many men because the Germans had machinery to help them. Majdanek was another camp located in the east of Poland. The camp at Majdanek was obviously a camp for detaining Jews before they were to be shipped eastwards. When the Germans did not manage to overrun Russia as they had planned the Jews who were gathered at Majdanek had to be shipped to other camps in Poland or in the Baltic states. We might even think that some of them ended up in Auschwitz and were either transported westwards as the Germans withdrew or chose to wait for the oncoming Soviets. Belzec, Chelmno and Sobibor were camps in the east of Poland and surely used as rest places before transportation eastwards into Russia. For those of you who know your holocaust history you might recall that Belzec was the camp were the Germans killed Jews by forcing them to stand in water up to their hips before turning on the electricity which killed the Jews. After all the Jews were killed the water was pumped out and the electrified iron floor which the Jews stood on was again turned on and the dead Jews were fried to ashes. This story was told by Dr. philo. (PHD.) Stefan Szende in the book "Poland's Last Jew". Even Simon Wiesenthal has told this story. Everyone who has by mistake left a chop too long in the pan knows it is impossible to burn/fry a chop to ashes. Let me now return to the fantastic numbers of The Canadian Jewish News", of 1. January 1981: 4,344,371. This is obviously the number of Jews who have blackmailed Germany into paying them money, but the number has nothing to do with the number of Jews within the grasp of Germany during WWII. If one adds the post WWII numbers of Jews given by the Zionists to the number of allegedly gassed Jews given by Lucy Dawidowicz, 5,370,000, one comes to a larger number than that of the Jews living in occupied Europe before WWII. See for yourselves: 1,100,000+5,370,000 = 6,470,000. This number is higher than the number of Jews who lived in occupied Europe before WWII. And in this number we have not accounted for those Jews who survived WWII and demanded compensation from Germany, 4,344,371 Jews. If we then add the Zionist numbers for Jews living in occupied Europe to the number of those whom by 1981 had gotten compensation from Germany we get: 5,444,371 and to this number add the rise in Jewish population in Palestine between 1939 and 1945 we get 5,844,371. This leaves us with a number of dead Jews of 255,629 which is far from the number given by the Jew Lucy Dawidowicz. THERE IS SOMETHING ROTTEN ABOUT THESE ZIONIST NUMBERS!!! WHAT ABOUT THE YEARLY RISE IN POPULATION DURING WWII?

Well, we could estimate this to be 1,3% (per cent) per year of a positive rise in population. Based on the number of Jews living in Germany and the countries she occupied this would be based on 2,9 million Jews giving a rise in population per year of 37,700. But this number must be less since the greatest part of the Jews were in camps and were not allowed to copulate - the Germans did not want an explosion in the number of Jews during the Jews stay in these camps. I say this knowing that there were delivery rooms and midwives in each camp. RISE IN THE POPULATION OF JEWS AFTER WWII The population of Jews only increased by 1,6 million between 1945 and 1985. This shows that they are not that fertile. You can surely use this number for your further discussions with friends and proselytes of the Jews. Ask them to explain. UNDERSTANDING OF THE NUMBERS Whatever way we look at the numbers of Jews in the world in 1939 and 1945 as provided to us by the Jews we cannot find a loss amounting to millions. Any way we look at the number of "lost" Jews as given above: - Sanning: 100,000 - Zionists: 255,629 - my estimate: 150,000 We are far from any millions of Jews walking towards chambers of any kind, either one in a mountain containing a frying pan or in Auschwitz-Birkenau with it's alleged gas chambers. The above number must be understood based on the unhealthy situation in some of the camps, people getting sick from typhus, cholera, tuberculosis and other illnesses. According to the Zionists the number of Jews in the world between 1939 and 1945 fell by 5,600,000. According to Lucy Dawidowicz 5,370,000 were gassed. If this number is correct the Germans were responsible for Jews who died in the USSR as well as all other countries. No, my statement regarding something rotten in those numbers stands.

But wait thats not all. seriously... there's more you have french jews suing twitter for racial comments.. Seriously? WOW talk about weak.  And I read today that there are many in Germany who are upset bc they are not getting money for the time jews had to live in ghettos during WWII. Dis anyone other then me sit down with a calculator and figure out how much money these parasites have sucked off the world off some bullshit story.  I'm sorry. but I have met some good jews. And some sexy jews. And I met a few jew would I was tempted to crazy glue a dime on their front porch for hours of laughs. what have some fun.. Ever notice almost ever year there is some movie or show that plays up to the holohoax? can you say propaganda much? So my blog moral of the story today? read the title.