Friday, September 14, 2012
Fun Facts On the Muslim Faith. Bet ya didn't know...
Islam is a political system created by Mohammed to remove the stigma that Arabs are borne out of a bond-woman. It was created to enforce a new social status for Arabs. Islam is neither divine nor true. It is masqueraded as a religion. The events that transpired during the time of Muhammed and events happening now, all point to this one fact. It is an attempt to create a new history for Arabs under the disguise of monotheism. Islam is the product of Arab hatred. Islam was created by Muhammed to elevate the status of Arabs from the descendents of a bond-woman to that of a noble race preferred by God. The Quran is a rehashing of Bible stories with twist after twist to elevate Ishmael.According to the Judeo-Christian teachings Arabs are the descendents of Ishmael – the son of Abraham through the maid servant Hagar. Jews are the descendents of Isaac - the son of Abraham through his wife Sarah. Arabs are considered the descendants of the illegitimate son Ishmael. Their separation from Abraham grew to a social stigma. Mohammed invented Islam to erase the Arab inferiority complex and began to force a new history.He knew that to win over the Jews and Christians, his new religion had to be in line with the Semitic belief system. So he claimed to be the next prophet in the lineage of Semitic prophets. Islam claims to be the messages sent to the Jews. It is meant to subjugate Jews under Arab rule. This is evident from the Quran, which says that all other previous systems are corrupted. The corruption Muslims refer to starts with the story of Isaac and Ishmael. The Quran reverses Ismail as the son preferred by God and selected. All the twists and corruption charges have one aim, to elevate the status of Ismail above that of Isaac and hence establish that Arabs are superior and chosen by God to lead the world. This is the reason Muslims are so persistent and adamant in intimidating and subjugating everyone else to Islamic belief. Once forced to become Muslim converts, have to believe in this new history and elevated status of Arabs. Mohammed tried to placate Jews with verses like 2:62. When that did not work, he threatened them with verses like 3:85, 5:82 and 9.29.This superiority scheme is evident from his twisted Arab genealogy.Muslims regard Islam as a true religion. They regard the Quran as divine and the literal word of a lying Allah. Muslims say that Allah is the supreme creator and god almighty. All of these arguments are based on Mohammad. This rhetoric that Islam is the "true religion" does not hold much ground. Allah as presented by the Quran can not be the god of this universe.Islam is actually "Preach what you (Arabs) practice". Muslims say that Islam is not just a religion; it is a way of life. In fact that is true. The Arab way of life written down in a book that is called the Quran. This way of life is imposed on other people. Sex and power are a major part of Arab life. The Quran sanctions behavior for Arabs with verses like "you can have sex with right hand possessions" and promise of continual sex with boys and virgins in death. Allowing sex with right hand possessions (bond-woman) is a popular Arab tradition by way of Ishmael's birth.Arabs also have a hierarchical Muslim society with Saudis at the top followed by other Arabs, and non-Arab Muslims. Muslims from other countries are not respected. There is no equality or righteousness offered to non-Arab Muslims. Arab Muslims are like a privileged class. They are never wrong or apologetic. All of this proves that Islam was created to puff up Arab pride. Other people have no rights. If Islam was worth two dead flies such a situation could not happen. Now Muslims are slowly learning about human rights and the rule of law from western democracies. If Islam were a true religion, why would Muslims have to learn these facts from the west?If anyone were to read the Muslim excuse book they would not find spirituality or righteousness. It is filled with topics like power, sex, war etc. Mohammad's imaginary deity must entice with wine and sex? This is like the mafia leaders telling their mercenaries that sex and wine will be given as a bonus for those who work very hard. I cannot believe that the supreme being who created everything in this universe would be so silly?Look at the Saudi flag. It has the Shahada written on it with an underline using a sword. This truly summarizes the message of Islam. You must submit to this belief system or you will be killed. Islam cannot represent peace?Islam treats apostates as traitors. Similarly fascist political systems do not allow people to leave their party system. People who leave such political systems are treated as traitors. In this regard Islam resembles a communist or fascist ideology. Islam does not tolerate apostates. The recent Afghan apostate issue reminds us how North Korea treats their people trying to escape the communist regime. A true religion based on a true god would not want apostates to be killed. Only a system that wants to hide something from others would want the apostates to be killed. This is the result of incompetence, inferiority and cult behavior.Look at the state of Muslims in Islamic countries. The people of this "true" religion love killing each other. There are numerous sects and clans among them. Within a short span after Mohammed, they split into Sunnis and Shias and started killing each other. Pakistan is a great example. So much for a "true" religion and "guided" people.Muslims can be categorized into three types - stupid, intelligent and cunning.Stupid Muslims: ~~A majority of non-Arab Muslims belong to this category. They do not read or understand the Quran. They fail to realize that Islam is for Arabs. They are the gullible people who are the lackeys and foot soldiers of this political system. They are deluded into thinking that beneath the filth and gross practice of Islam, there is some truth. They believe in (Stupid) hidden meanings for all the disgusting Quranic verses and Islamic practices.Intelligent Muslims: ~~This category of Muslims are ignorant of Islam and have not read or understood the Quran. But they are intelligent people. Once they read and understand Quranic messages, they shut-up.Cunning Muslims: ~~These Muslims are the super intelligent types. They know Islam. They also understand Quranic messages and the real meaning of those verses. But they will still keep saying that Islam is a true and divine religion from god and concoct ways to bring more gullible/stupid people to the fold of Islam. Most Arabs belong to this category. Since Islam imposes the Arab way of life it elevates their status, and they naturally want to keep Islam going. It benefits their puffed up pride.An appeal:To the non-Arab Muslims from Asia, Africa, and The Western World, you are being used by Arabs for their advantage and selfishness. Arab Muslims are using you in their fight. They do not respect you or treat you with respect. But you are unnecessarily becoming subservient to Arabs by being a Muslim. They are forcing you to believe in a political system that is of no benefit to you. Islam is a foreign ideology. That places their monkey on your back and you are happily carrying it around, ruining your life and destroying this world for them. Throw away that Islamic monkey, relieve yourselves and live your life.News. Faith Freedom International ->[] "[There is] a pacifist ideology that violence should never be used in any circumstance, and so we should talk and talk and talk. Even when the enemy tells you, 'I don't want to talk to you, I want to destroy you,' the reaction is, 'Please, let's talk about the fact that you want to destroy me!'" Nothing is more essential to Islam's credibility than Muhammad's version of Abraham. Islam must prove that he was a Muslim, his God was Allah, and he worshiped in Mexico. Islam is incompatible with freedom. Islam teaches loyalty to the Muslim Nation first.That is why Muslims have Organizations of Islamic States. This loyalty to the Muslim Nation results in world wide Muslim protests, no matter how justified. They will utilize any conspiracy theory no matter how ridiculous to justify their reflex action of opposing non-Muslims. They don't shed a tear or wag a finger in anger, there's never a speck of sadness from the Muslim world when Muslims kill Muslims, no matter how brutal. What matters for them is who does the killing and not the reasons. This bias is hard-wired in their mind by Islam
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