I just spent the last few hours moving some of my notes from facebook to this site. I was told by many on Facebook. and folks I have run into that i should create a blog to help informed the masses. I don't know why.. most people are so busy watching the latest scripted TV show. They don't have time to watch Rome burn. But At last I caved... So much for standing up against peer pressure.
But first allow me to say "Hello" And introduce myself. and tell ya a little bit about me. One I'm of Native American bloodline. And no my grandmother was not a native princess.. man that tick me off.. No my mom was like full blood and my dad was over half.. the rest was Irish and Scottish.. so yes.. i can drink your ass under the table in record time:) I am Ethnocentric. and if you have to look that up, you are going to love my postings. I am also a constitutional libertarian. So I focus on the great one party errr the so called two party system. Which is so screwed up. I would have a hard time to pick a place to start.
I love Politics. What other legal job can crooks, thieves, adulterers, And pretty much the total scum of this planet get together being PICKED by the masses and screw the public some more.. it be funny if it wasn't true. I also enjoy religion. And yes, sex.. oddly i am very well versed on the big three things you don't talk about. You the read are in for a serious treat.
You all know that little voice that speaks to you inside your head telling where the line is, and what you shouldn't talk about and should... yea that guy... he either gave up or is dead and buried in one of my many closets.
So why make a blog? Several reason.. One I was talked into it. Two this will be a great way to keep track of the collapse and down fall of the nation. ( yes I am one of those) But hey, gas went up 30 cents in two weeks on the tails of China saying they were dumping the dollar. So common man issues for a very screwed up world. i live in the Harrisburg Pa area. and allow me to start off since the city got itself a black female mayor. who ran on the same happy bullshit obama did.. this city has gone to hell.. one can say the same of the nation.. You all see the middle east?
So the fun thing is.. what to write in a blog.. I can cover what I do daily... thats easy.. look for a job... feed my animals.. look for a job... eat. start reading the news. I get 49 news sources from all over the world. so my finger in on the pulse.. For example. it is Sept.14, 2012 7:53..... That whole problem in the middle east with libya.. wait till the news tells the masses the film producer who create the chaos...( so the media says) is jewish. That should be fun.
I am a Ron Paul fan. and yes, i plan on writing his name in this November. Why not.. Right now the two main parties choices are....... Obama left wing... or...... Obama White Mitt so left wing he makes JFK look like a die hard right wing hawk. I would love for one person to ask Mitt if he is a man, so I can see how long it will take him to say something different. that is Mitt.
But Today, was fun. i hurt my shoulder a while back and had to get it rebuilt.(if anyone tells you that don't hurt, hit them several times with a bat, trust me you will feel justified after the surgery). So that makes looking for a job so much more fun. sure my area has a 10.9 recorded Unemployment rate. not counting the few thousand on social programs..But I'm not going to get into that. So I go to Physical Therapy and dealt with Lisa who just got fired from the house of sadism pain. And she worked me over like frozen beef for about a hour. I think I would have smacked her if I wasn't cringing in the corner.
(grammer Nazis go pound sand, Yes I'm a bad typist.. News flash i don't care)
So after I had my dose of angry feminism in my road of better health. I turned on the radio. and got my dose of NPR. After I listen tothe point I thought of planting a garden of flowers and kissing polar bears and turned it off and got a dose of talk radio on the right. I hit the Glenn beck show. I need to say I enjoyed Beck back when bush was in office, Bc the guy actually called Bush out.. he calls Obama out.. but he is a shill from the word go now. AnY rate.
I'm listening to Glenn, when he talks about the middle east. yadda yadda this and that and Obama is dangerous daily spew. Was getting ready to radio surf for some CCR when Glenn say. " America I need to say something, I need to get out of the middle east, we need to bring our troops home.we need to stop giving aid to these people...." I Think it was at that time at the red light the black guy in the car next to me at the red light though some wild savage was going to jump out and scalp him. And the Glenn said we need to stand behind our good friend Israel. it was then I was beating my head on the steering wheel. You know it's bad when a black guy locks his door and winds up his window...
Here is my issue with what Beck the Shill said. He supports Mitt, he first supported Rick, But he is all about hopping on Mitt's rod now. If you listen to Beck, he supports every freaking this that Ron Paul has said. EVERYTHING... But one..... he feels that American should keep sending Israel 7 billion dollars a month. Oh if we stop the free money it be a holocaust, sure they got 300 nukes and most of their gear over their is american. and they have one of the biggest Armies in the middle east ( why, not.. they haven't been in the war over there for the past 11 years) So OF COURSE they are in danger... Sure since they got there in 1947 the middle east has gone to hell, but it's everyone else's fault.. seriously... So I hope you can see the issue. Beck supports everything Paul wanted to do. except fund the Middle east. and called Paul crazy... But Supports Mitt who is against everything Beck says but will fund the middle east. If Mitt got any more Kosher he be a damn pickle. So I had issues there... so pain in shoulder , Pain in head.. and sitting in Harrisburg what to do....... I know I'll to the Capital steps and get a update on the OWS folks it must be a year now.
First OWS. I at the very beginning supported them, They were against the Corporate wars, lobbyist, auditing the fed, bail outs, higher taxes, invasion of personal rights... You know like the Tea party was before it go over run by the slime who they were protesting. And I lost faith when the one blogger went out there saying he speaks for the whole group and gave a list of demand.. OWS folks credit was going down hill. then they act animals in NY lost all respect. But since this is my city. I'll go see if the positions have changed... This is what happen....
I met this nice young man... well the dude was a younger then me. but I'll give him credit. and i was getting ready to lay a slew of questions on him in from stage left walking in the crazy( so i thought) old man. talking about he found out that you can smoke pot legally... I'm thinking great a guy never left the 60's . And he went on a mild rant of the system dying and what not. I can say me and the OWS guy did very well not calling the loon truck. But I will say he said a few things I plan on researching.. but thats another day. The OWS folks gave a paper on what they stand for now......
Reverse the effects of Citizen united supreme court decision... I'm ok with this.. if you don't know what it is, check it out...
Re-instate the glass steagall act...... I'm ok with this also. so far so good.. not crazy bums...
Pass the buffett rule on fair taxation.. EHHHHHhhh i would be more in favor of a flat tax were everyone pays the same rate on the dollar you make...
Completely revamp the securities and exchange commission.... this is actually a great idea.
Re- establish the public airwaves. this is brilliant. so next debate or what ever all choices have a fair air time.. no more brain washing of the two party system.... won't happen but sounds great.
Investigate, arrest, and try the wall street criminals... I'm for it, but it won't happen.. picture arrest Obama for the bill he wrote in chicago that in turned created the whole housing market crash.. true story look it up.
Intense regulation of the defense industry.. I'm good with this. I mean come on we spend more for military research then 12 nations spend on their whole army... think about that....
But over all , they just want the nation to be fair to everyone... wouldn't it be nice to read about the guy who stole a hundred dollars from a store and got ten years for it, and then read about the guy who stole 32 million and got life... wouldn't that be a fair world we live in.. oh by the way, they guy who stole a few million got 45 days... see crime does pay.. you just got to get a high enough number...
as for my blogs before this post. They are scraps of my writing or words of some else who I thought were good enough for me to save. Till next time.
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