Saturday, September 7, 2013

The average American... Syria"sly

So here we are once more america. At the threshold of another false flag conflict. Yes, false flag.... Oh I know what some of your lovely sheeple are saying now. " but, But But.. they are chemically attacking their own people..... Really? lets get into that. But first a kind word from this great land of freedom....

My fellow American, and you go out shopping for your groceries, which are chocked full of genetically modified chemicals in both your meats which have been given a heavy dose of radiation for your enjoyment, and our dear friends at Monsanto , who have paid billions, so they will never be sued for the crops which you eat and are banned in 47 counties. We would like to ask you to have a nice glass of water with chemicals like fluoride in it and sit back and enjoy the sun set full of chem trails. And remember . The government of these united states know what's best for you...

Now why are we going to war with Syria? On yea. The american media is saying that dropped chemical bombs on innocent people. Well here's another news flash. Thanks to our friends at Anonymous. They uncovered a series of emails which give step by step out lines on how the U.S. government would used the shell of the Syrian government to drop weapons on the Syrian people.... True story.

Russia and other nations have told America to bring what proof they have.. Meaning America should show proof that the Syrian government dropped bombs to the U.N. council. to date.. no proof. kinda like those crazy WMD saddam had.. 

And now for other things. Did you know the middle east in on the brink of a war that could be right out of the bible.   Here let me lay out whats going one for ya. please note the players. First up America. We are currently offing arms to the rebels.. AKA  al-Qa'ida. Yes, yes, I know these are the very same guys who oddly if you believe the American media did 9-11. of course according to the 9-11 commission report is was the Saudis.. who oddly is offing to fully fund this war.  Then we have Iran. yes, Iran the evil Iran who has not been in a war with anyone for almost 60 years.. Think about that. we been at war every day for like ever.  has stated that is if America attacks Syria, they will attack Israel.. Wtf.. what did the jews do.... ( we'll get to that:) Then at this moment , this very second you have Russian war ships moving into the area. good news. .. ok maybe not really. Russia has stated they will not only back Syria but will attack Saudi Arabia.. Whoo, what DID they do? Then you have China also moving into the area with very strong words against this war.... No worries , John Kerry said it all for should. You all remember that guy right? they guy who couldn't get any lie straight?  Now to break it down for the sheep...
America gets ALOT of oil from Saudi Arabia.
Russia and China gets ALOT of oil from Syria
Israel is opening pushing for this war 
Al-Qaida has been funded and trained by America since the 1980's who during that time America was paying to fight Russians.. funny how history is coming full circle. See folks THEY AREN"T the bad guys. they are just local hired guns..... 

But let's say we go to war. even if Chian don't drop our debt and send our economy into the dark ages.. Picture 15 dollar a gallon gas... in 5 hours.

Or that russia doesn't stand by what they said. Sure they got Putin who I think kicks kittens for the mere joy of feeling flying fur between his toes. 

Or that Iran doesn't attack Israel, which to be honest needs to be hit with a real missile for a nice change.

What will happen? You think it will be a walk in the park? Folks we been fighting in the middle east in one way our another for over 20 years... Think of that. they guys are NOT a first world nation. Not by a long shot. alot of their troops over there have less weapon tech then the gun owners who go shot cans have here in America.. And we haven't won yet..  Think of that. 20 years, and they are using 1960s gear and we are dropping million dollar bombs... speaking of....
where do think all the money will come from? Sure some little oil nation said they will fund it fully. which I can see be a good reason for Russia to bomb the shit out of them. No our debt will go to the 24 trillion in 3 years. And look around. the only ones who are making out in this economy now are the ones with money to burn. Which if you guys are reading this.. I Soooo accept any kind of donation.
No the Average American will be hurting in ways that will make the 1920 seem like living on the ritz.

But lets say all the players jump into this stew... WOW.. Russia has basic missiles that can cruise a easy 155 miles. News flash.... most Americans live with in 100 miles of the American coast. Just saying... easy picking. And Israel... Will not be able to have the great dog America on it's leash any more,, we will be dealing with more then just a  couple of fleas.. No.. we will be getting our asses handed to us by a pissed off bear and a big ass dragon.  So At this time, we all will see if the bullshit propaganda which the jews spew is true and they are God's chosen.. But with the player at the table now. I think even God is get a bag of pop corn and is saying to himself, damn , this is going to be good... 

And of course with the economy getting worst.. you will have millions signed up to die just to be able to get a check to be able to have their families be able to eat...

Think of this.. when you hear American national interest and security on the tv about how we need to go to war.. did you think of all the things that happens since 9-11 in the name of our national interest and securities.. The TSA, NSA, the people going to jail just for saying WTF?  Maybe , you should turn off that t.v. and try to think clearly for a second... 

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