Tuesday, November 13, 2012

As your look over the cliff.. you see war....

So here we are.. Not even a full to week after the election. Not even the beginning of Obama's 2nd term. And can we say WOW, this nation is about as screwed as a Sheep at the York fair.. if you don't know.. (It seems some lucky lamb gets raped every year In PA at the fair... Some of us take bets on what day it will happen) . The nation has it sail full of wind and headed to some very dark and cloudy seas.

As of the very second, If you go to the white house website, you will see several petitions for secession of states. And not just the red one either.. But states like New York, New Jersey. PA... Along with states like Texas. If fact the BBC said there's only three who didn't file.... yet.  Now many will say it is because Obama is black , or because Obama won the election.. And I know from my view point.. Being the nut job I am... It has nothing to do with Obama.. Ok maybe a little. but it deals more with the whole overbearingness of the federal government.  I mean lets think about this... freedom of speech.. I think NOT.. we have free speech zones, and there are laws about protesting at all. Children are taught in school that free speech or expression will not be smiled upon. Hear about that kid that sent home for wearing a American flag shirt, bc it might offend somebody? That story made me so made I wanted to tattoo my dick with the flag and let it fly.  It's not like I overly love this nation. that not the case. I see a nation who had a pretty good plan and then totally screwed it up.. And would love for either the people fix it or get out and give back to the natives.. I'm good with that.... But any way.. off to the second amendment... You joking right?  Obama talks about agreeing to the UN arms treaty.. meaning folks your guns will be focused on...  I can go one thru each right and how the government has attacked it..

Now with all these petitions asking for secession , will it happen.. at first I would say know.. But the media has picked up the torch. And I am soo glad.. you see with out the media,, this movement of liberty would never move forward. Now you shills out there. Namely Glenn Beck. Now I once was a big fan of the guy. i even have a few books of his that are signed.. but over the past year he has gone more and more in the tank for the system and a puppet to everything wrong with the nation. Oh his show:) which I boot leg ( he has 80 million dollars, He can lose a show to one guy)  But On his TV show and radio show.. he was screaming about the states can not do secession. Why not shill? You actually worries about American lives? You think we don't know about the hollow point bullets the NDANS, and TSA, NDAA, NHS, bought? How can we missed it it was enough to place a four bullets in each person in the nation.. thats every man woman and child. Think maybe that might be a factor? Or my favorite.. the rail cars with benches and chains in them.. Whats up with that?  it's not like we are going to reinstate slavery.. I can see that On Tv... Obama comes on Tv and says" let me be clear, Slavery reinstated.. Go catch yourself a strong one" and no one touches him...
Now these pentition are just folks saying the nation is screwed up.. and yes many are to scared to sign up. But have no illusions,  you are on a list some where, either by you going to your doctor, and with Obamacare your life style is now on a list.. all the things you buy with your little credit card is saved and stored... true story.. so yea, the government knows all about those porn sites... Along with how much food you are buy and what guns you have and how much ammo you have.. Neat huh? Thank you US PATRIOT ACT.

Now with all that we have the financial cliff to address.. You see, the money the fed prints have no real value. and no I'm not saying we should go to the gold standard... Like there is even 16 trillion dollars of gold out there.. which there isn't.  I been trying to figure out something.. if the world is 74 trillion dollars in debt.. who gets all that money? ( that a house I wouldn't mind robbing) But this cliff going on.. well if they would cash it in right now.. it would be about  52,000 dollars that needs to be paid now from every person in America.  So the solution is.... Cut spending and inflation. and not single digits either.. But double digits like 28% inflation. What does that mean? Picture you go to work and gas prices are at 3.50 a gallon. 8 hours later the gas price going home will be 12.00 dollars a gallon.. And I don't even want to talk about the price of hookers.. OUCH. But this is the fiscal waters which this nation is sailing into.....

which can bring us to those in NY.. those folks are still screwed.. The government won't let food in due to fat and salt content. I'm sure those hungry folks care about the fat content in their food.  But good news. Not only are those in the fema camps being moved into a empty prison..( NY, empty prison... Think about that) and moved into a empty GM building. The people in these camps really are pretty much in a prison. They can't charge thier smart phone , bc no pictures allowed.. I mean have you seen any? NOPE. But the government is there to help.. It doesn't matter which party you favor.. the end result here is the same.

Think not? look up agenda 21..... And Michael Savage hit that story first.. But as always beck claims he hit it first... There is so much out there. But you need to turn off your tv and start reading.. where to go? Well i suggest RT.com.. And go from there.....

Now for war.. America doesn't really do anything well any more , including war.. and we used to kick ass at war.. but 11 years of desert warfare we kinda got touchy feely and gotten weak. But if you turn your eye to the middle east, it seems Syria is the fuse that will create the spark. a little tid bit.. Russia is backing Syria and Iran..  now Syria is in a mist of a civil war. and a few stray rockets landed in Israel.. what does Israel do.. break out it tanks and demands America to back it.. folks this is one war we should stay out of and let God deal with it. For if we get into it.. China and Russia both stated they will bring the war to America.. no more watching it on the TV.. No you'll be able to go out and see it first hand.. so that is going to wreck so many Americans beauty rest...

So what's the answer?  well first. EVERYONE CALM THE FUCK DOWN.  Next, stop the spending and stripping of liberties. Americans need jobs. They need fed. They need clothes.. they need money.. And with all this aid going everywhere but to the American person.. alot of folks are not happy.

You would think common sense would tell some one.. Hey we need to address this.. But sadly common sense has become a super power.. I'm glad I have a cape.. but these fruit-a-looms out side the pants are chaffing my thighs

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