Thursday, April 10, 2014

So many support Israel.....

Oh boy, you have some serious reading to do on the whole Jewish issue. There's just too much to say about this topic for me to explain it all to you, but I'll provide you with some links and book recommendations so you can do some further research on your own.

The most important aspect of Jewish influence in the West is how they have subverted practically our entire culture by systematically overtaking our media and academia while crushing any dissent. If you're going to read only two books on this entire topic of Jewish influence, "The Culture of Critique" by Professor Kevin MacDonald should be the first one. MacDonald doesn't even require you to believe in any actual conspiracies, he just shows how ethnocentric behavior by various diaspora Jews has advanced Jewish interests while undermining the interests of their host populations.
The other one is "When Victims Rule: A Critique of Jewish Pre-eminence in America," which painstakingly documents the outsized Jewish influence in America on over 2,000 pages long, featuring about 10,000 citations from mainstream and scholarly sources:

As for how they managed to amass all the power that second book talks about, there are actually several aspects to it, but this article might give you a good idea:
"The Jewish Path to Success: Nepotism"

Beyond that, there are a lot of individual conspiracies and other aspects you can examine on a one-by-one basis. Someone made this pastebin of interesting links relating to the Jewish question. Some of it is just stupid shit and I have to make a cleaned up version of it, but feel free to browse it nevertheless:

For starters, the most important thing you need to know is how they attempt to manipulate your perception of reality.
Jews systematically infiltrate message boards like this one, and many of them are even paid by the Israeli government to do so:
Not only do they spread Zionist propaganda as regular posters, they also attempt to infiltrate the moderation staff of various web sites. For an example of what they do once they're in such a position: when the story broke that the NSA shares raw intelligence data about American citizens with the Mossad, threads about the story were removed by moderators both on reddit and various other websites.

Israelis even take courses on how to plant Zionist propaganda on Wikipedia:

Apart from groups that focus on psychological warfare and manipulation of online debates, there are also outright terrorist groups like the Jewish Defense League, who regularly send death threats to various individuals and physically assault people in the streets, in order to intimidate them into not speaking out against Jewish power and aggression:
While individual members of groups like the JDL are sometimes arrested after committing a crime, the group as a whole is allowed to operate with impunity in most western countries due to massive Jewish influence in media and politics.

Even more important is that Jews and non-Jewish Zionists have practically complete control of the mass media in the West. The only one of the top 6 US media companies that isn't run by Jews is Rupert Murdhoch's NewsCorp, but Murdoch is more pro-Israel than even most Jews. The last big genuinely non-Zionist media corporation in the US was Disney, but that was bought up by Jewish hardcore-Zionist Stanley Gold in 1984. The largest publishing house in Europe is Axel Springer AG, whose employees have to sign contracts stating that they must support Israel; the current CEO of Axel Springer AG is Matthias Doepfner, who is not Jewish himself but openly calls himself a "non-Jewish Zionist" and is an honorary member of the American Jewish Council.
Some articles worth reading, videos worth watching:
Elad Nehorai: "Jews DO control the media!"

President Richard Nixon and Reverend Billy Graham discuss Jewish control over the media and Communism:

1933: Prominent US Rabbi says "the movies are largely a Jewish industry",0,4676183.column

As for how they use their control of the media, one of the things they do is to promote positive stereotypes of themselves (e.g. by portraying Jews as very good-hearted people in movies, or by telling the public to worship Jewish intellectuals like Albert Einstein like some kind of secular saint), and negative stereotypes of their enemies (i.e. Muslims/Arabs/Iranians, Germans, Russians…).

They go to great lengths to falsify history in various ways, hiding their historic crimes and making it look like they've always been victims for no fault of their own. For example, Germans are portrayed as having fallen into a completely irrational anti-Semitic frenzy under Hitler for no reason at all, when in reality the agitation for treasonous ammunition strikes and communist revolutions by Jewish Communists in Germany like Rosa Luxembourg greatly contributed to the loss of Germany in World War 1, despite the fact that Jews were generally well-treated in Second Reich Germany. The National Socialists also never referred to the Germans as "the master race," and the public is usually not told about how Hitler tried to collaborate with the Zionists to create a homeland for the Jews, how he made generous peace offers to the British and French, and how the Zionists had started economic and propaganda warfare against Germany even before any anti-Jewish laws had been passed by the German government:

They use the media to push political agendas, such as increasing mass-immigration:
Even US Vice President Joe Biden says Jews use their control of the media to promote mass-immigration:
Jewish Australian MP: "Bring Israel's African Immigrants to Australia!"
They want mass-immigration for several reasons, one of them being that a "diverse" country is easier to divide and conquer for the Jewish community than a homogeneous one would be (hey, just look at Syria).

Some of the ways in which they use the media to directly influence politics is by smearing politicians who support pro-American policies that would be detrimental to the Jews and by excluding anyone from public discourse - hence why you never see anti-Jewish intellectuals like Kevin MacDonald, Dr. Tom Sunic or Dr. Greg Johnson on television, and why Judge Napolitano's show on Fox Business was canceled after he started criticizing Israel.

When they gain enough political power, they make it illegal to criticize Jewish power and aggression altogether. Hundreds of people in Europe are in prison for criticizing Jews/Israel on Facebook or questioning the official story of the Holocaust:
In Germany, the government can take away your job and force you into unemployment if they find out that you hold anti-Jewish opinions even in private:
In France, it is forbidden to even make lists of people where you list their ethnicity, so making a website like would land you in a French prison. There is currently a comedian in France called Dieudonne who is regularly sentenced to pay fines for making supposedly anti-Jewish remarks in public. The government isn't willing to imprison him because that would make him a martyr, but he has been banned from performing any of his shows in public, and has also been banned from entering Britain: ((ENG Subbed) Dieudonné | Mahmoud, Part 1) ((ENG Subbed) Dieudonne | Mahmoud, Part 1)
In the Soviet Union, "anti-Semitism" was punishable by death:

In America, there's still the First Amendment that protects Free Spech, but they are working hard at destroying it, and have already succeeded in introducing limited amounts of internet censorship, making it impossible to access many websites classified as anti-Jewish from public libraries:

Through their control of the media and political lobby groups like AIPAC, the Zionists have practically monopolized US foreign policy, and over the past couple of decades have used this control to drag America into all sorts of wars in the middle east and make America's army murder hundreds of thousands of Muslims, in order to make the ME a safe place for Israel to bully and steal from its neighbors. For a detailed look at AIPAC and similar organizations, check out the book "The Israel Lobby" by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt. Some videos and articles on the topic:

Prime Minister of Malaysia: "Jews rule the world by proxy, they get Americans and others to fight and die for them"

Former US Congressman James Traficant: "The Israel Lobby controls America's foreign and domestic policy"

Former CIA analyst Michael Scheuer: "Israel owns the Congress"

Michael Scheuer - "Israel Is Spying On The U.S., Stealing Technology & Bribing Congress"

Richard Dawkins boycotts Israel, says Jews control US foreign policy

The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish:

AIPAC pushes for war in Syria:

The Organized Jewish Community: Wall-to-wall Support for War on Syria

Failed push for invasion of Syria constituted first serious loss of Israel lobby in decades:

AIPAC demands America keeps paying billions in aid to Israel despite sequestration and government shutdown:

Snowden leak shows NSA shares raw communications data on American citizens with Israeli intelligence agencies:

Former head of the Bank of Israel is now vice chairman of the Federal Reserve:

For some historical stuff, check out for example how they promised the British to bring America into WW1 in exchange for being allowed to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and what sort of propaganda methods they used to pitch the American public into an anti-German war fever:

They've instigated phony communist revolutions all over the world from Hungary and Germany to China, many of them resulting in the Communist government murdering millions of its own citizens.
Winston Churchill: Zionism versus Bolshevism
Vladimir Putin: "First Soviet government was mostly Jewish"
Stalin's Jews:,7340,L-3342999,00.html
Jews in Communist China's government:
Currently, Ukraine is in a state close to civil war, with a Jew named Vitali Klitschko attempting to seize power and bring the country under the rule of the same international bankers who run the EU:

Harmful phony revolutions were often funded by wealthy Jewish bankers like Jacob Schiff:

Sects of crypto-Jews like the Sabbatean-Frankists played a major role in bringing to power the Young Turk government in the Ottoman Empire, which murdered some 2 million Greeks and Armenians in the first genocide of the century:

The Frankist Jews are an interesting topic all of their own. Jewish witnesses have come forward saying that the Frankists murder children in sacrificial rituals and run child prostitution rings: (Vicki Devil Worship - 1989 Oprah Winfrey Show Interview With A Jewish Woman) (Vicki Devil Worship - 1989 Oprah Winfrey Show Interview With A Jewish Woman)
One of the more high-profile people from Frankist families was Louis Brandeis, close associate of President Woodrow Wilson and likely one of the main people who dragged America into WW1:

Then there's the Jewish religion. High-ranking Israeli government officials say that Jews have "higher souls" than non-Jews (Gentiles, Goyim), and that while gay Jews are lower than regular Jews, they are still higher beings than Goyim:
The recently deceased Sephardic Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef insists that Jews are the master race and that the only purpose for the existence of Gentiles is to serve the Jews:
He also insists that on Saturdays it is forbidden to Jewish doctors to save the lives non-Jews:
Some Jewish apologists will try to tell you that Ovadia Yosef was just a crazy old Rabbi on the fringe of society, but that is a lie, as he was in fact one of the most popular Jewish figures of the century, as proven by the fact that a whopping 10% of the entire population of Israel attended his funeral:

The core of Judaism is that Jews have been chosen by their tribal god to follow his laws as laid out in the Torah, and that they will be richly rewarded if they do obey his laws:
As for what this reward will consist of, the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament promises the Jews that eventually all nations on the earth will have to give their wealth to the Jews and serve Israel as slaves:
Artificially fulfilling this prophecy is what Zionism is about. Former Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion for example said that in his vision of the future world, the whole planet would merge into an NWO-style intercontinental alliance and be ruled from Jerusalem, specifically mentioning the book of Isaiah:

I'm an Atheist and think that the Old Testament is essentially a collection of fairy tales, but religious Jews do consider the behavior of the Jews/Israelites in the Torah to be what they should model their own behavior on. The Israelites commit their first genocide very early on, in Genesis 34:
Note the lies, deceit and backstabbing they used to carry out this act of mass-murder.
In Genesis 47, we see how the Israelis erected a shadow government under a corrupt Pharaoh in Egypt, took all the best land in Egypt for themselves and enslaved the Egyptian people:
After Genesis, the next book of the Torah is the book of Exodus, which tells of the Jews stealing the wealth of the Egyptians, bringing plagues over Egypt and murdering 7 or 8 tribes in the land of Canaan (today's Palestine) and stealing their land from them, despite the Canaanites having done nothing against them.
Many Jewish religious holidays celebrate the slaughter of non-Jews. On Passover, they celebrate that their tribal god murdered about half a million Egyptian children. On Purim, they celebrate a massacre of some 20,000 Persians which they had organized. On Hanukah, they celebrate that Greeks and Hellenized Jews were murdered en masse by the Maccabees, a group of Jewish religious zealots who are quite possibly the first recorded terrorist organization in history.

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