Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A spec of sand in the eyes of gods

haven't written in a while. I could give numerous reasons for this.  I was distracted with daily life. which would be partly true. I could say my arm and shoulder hurt to much to write which is also true. But what sums it up the best I think would be I was disgusted . Oh what you may ask. I would have to say the American public at large. I watched the debate of Mitt and Obama and the right wing side is having a love fest over Mitt. But to be honest Mitt only played the same game Obama did in 08.. you think not. Lets try this. Mitt came out looking great. I love the cartoon blue tie and red tie... But beyond that. Mitt was very well spoken, and very very vague. Oh the right will say he laid out his plan clearly. Really? I heard Alot of " i have a 5 step plan" or " i liked that also Mr. president and my plan is like that but with out all the bad things of your plan" really Mitt? I was surprised at Mitt when he brought up the 10th amendment for health care. talk about pandering to the Ron Paul supporters out there. Seriously. Like the common voter has any clue what the 10th is.. Most folks only know the 2nd and have a vague clue what the first is. Now, I'm not saying the American public is dumb.. No wait.. yes, yes i am. In fact I will go on to say they are boarder line retarded. so for all those out there reading this who have zero clue of their amendments. I, Being the kind one which I am, will break it down for you.

The 10th is the mother of all federal can of worms. It allows the states to completely break away from the federal government. To see what the worst case looks like, please open your history books to the civil war. ( for anyone out there who thinks the whole civil war was over slavery... Your a idiot and should hurry and hang yourself now.)  The 10th allows each state to beside fully what is best for it. So lets say Mitt wasn't saying one of his million and two flip flops, and gets elected and actually pushes the 10th in each state... What could go wrong? well from my eyes not much. But for all the sheep it be pandemonium. The state could Tell the FDA to go pound french poodles up where the sun don't shine... The federal taxes, by rights will no long need to be paid. Of course all those federal dollars could stop being pumped into the state.. you all do realise every time your state takes federal money that state agree to become the federal government slave? Didn't know that.. Maybe you better  quit bending over stand up take out the ball gag, wipe the ky jelly off your ass and find out. and yes, it's just like that. But the masses hook into the latest football game or honey boo boo don't know this.  I could go on a multi page rant on this but I feel mostly it's just more Mitt lies and will never happen. why would the government encourage people to rely on themselves.. it would be counteractive of years and years of bills they passed.

Well maybe not so much the bills per say, But more the executive orders. Now what are those? well if you don't know then you are a truly helpless lot aren't you.. Well the one that was just signed that has me just a tad creep out would be  H.R. 6566 to amend the Homeland security act of 2002.  Now why would that be creepy? well why don't you google the bill number and you will come up with FEMA to prepare for "mass fatality planning" Other words.. prepare for a lot of folks to just die... Nothing to worry about.. I mean what could happen?  Well let me take a stab in the dark:)

As of this very second on OCT. 10th 2012 what is going on....
You have Mitt ( guy you is bought off by Israel.. and you know it's true)  running for Office against Obama ( supposedly bought off by the commies, Or at least the anti american left) Going to be hard for Gary Johnson to beat those to clowns with a nation of sheep hooked to the TV....
You have Turkey at war with Syria. but who cares right.. well the U.N. cares, and Russia is arming up it's investment....
Israel actually brought picture pages to the U.N. meeting to explain that if Iran gets just one Nuke it will KILL US ALL!!!!!! ( please world over look that Israel has over 300 nukes and been playing this song since the 1970's)
Gas prices are sky rocketing.. Why should you care,,, well sparky when transportation cost rise on good going to the store, the price of said goods go up. for example. oil per barrel is down. but gas prices are going up.. weird right. and over look the drought which is priming veggie prices to go up, and then you have a massive recall of beef... shit never mind that beef is already expensive due to the cost of corn effected by the drought. Oh did you see how we will be going through a pork shortage... So I think that hits ALL food in the US. But wait it gets better......
The unemployment numbers have gone down so more folks have jobs right???? No...  the actual number of real unemployment is closer to 32% now.  And I point out that a large number of people live off the tax money which we no longer have. but we keep shipping out that foreign aid.. and winter is slowly creeping in. and I have a feeling it's going to be a bad one. And alot of people will die this winter due to not being able to afford gas to get to work, or heat to heat their homes...  But who cares.... I mean did you hear what Mitt said about big bird? fucking bastard....
But something that didn't hit the news, well did, but seems everyone missed it.. did you know that those evil asshole 1% billionaires are getting out the stock market? oh yea I read on , that the stock market is set to readjust by 90%.. That be 90% down.. So count8ing my my fingers and toes.. carry the 4 and subtract the 12 the total would be .. yeap, just as I thought.. we're fucked.... here..... the stock market this second is 13,366... now delete 90% of that.. and you tell me.....  but it's not all bad.... I mean have you been to the stores lately? notice the shelves are not as full as they usually are.. some one is buying that shit up... i hope.
Then we can focus on your personal rights which you have none.... while all you sheep where fighting over the new Iphone, you missed how the government Approves how the warrentless tapping of cell phones is legal to the point they can turn on your speaker to hear what is going on or even your camera...  but the sheep will bleat" if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't care" to them I truly hope they die first... this nation is ruined and dying at alarming rate. I was told by some close to me. To let it go.. let them die, and continue to prepare. And I do and will. But the tiny piece of me which clings hope for the human race. hopes that if a few read this and get a clue... then they also will continue on.. if you can save one out of thousands.. is it not worth it....?

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